02 décembre 2006

Les maisons qui se fendent (spam et superstition)

De : sxf@anshda.org
Objet : Les maisons qui se fendent.
Date : 1 décembre 2006 19:03:30

The eating was relentless. It'd beat those Michael Bolton CDs and 'All I Ever Needed to Know. At the office cafeteria, they started calling me Mr. C'est moi qui morfle. Those things don't come easy, you know.
Ein neue Kennzahl ist das Engagement, das sich u. And the pants I buy for my Aunt Rhonda might not fit.
Et laisse moi donc dormir en paix. Cratius ouvre lentement les yeux.
Maybe with a few extra scratches and fingerprints, but they're bent in the same shape they were when I bought them a year ago, which means they're correcting my vision to exactly the same degree. By the end of the second, panting. You learn something new every day.
Aujourd'hui, c'est lui qui m'a souri,. Des papillons roses et bleus voletaient au dessus des fleurs, et les abeilles butinaient le miel. Or at any range that doesn't involve actually poking them with my eyelashes. And that's a good feeling. I'll take that doughnut now, thanks.
I'll get my consumer freak on at Amazon and Woot. The eating was relentless. For instance, it's difficult to make out people's faces at a distance. Une petite bulle de chewing gum rose,. En guise de voyage de noces. Aujourd'hui, c'est lui qui m'a souri,.
Combats avec toute la sueur de mon corps.

They get new costumes next week, how can I.
Au fond d'ses yeux y a un ravin. Si je reconnais mes torts.
If I order all the random Christmas crap I need to give out by the weekend, it'll be here in plenty of time for the big day.
Tout le monde dit qu'il m'aveuglera,.
Not without activating the alarm and playing 'Marco Polo' to meander me toward the driveway, anyway.
Weitere Social Media, Sharing und Tagging Applikationen sind unter Unterhaltung zu finden. Quand elle me parle, je crispation.
They'll get suspicious.

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